Information To Provide When Buying Custom Machine Spindles

26 October 2019
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

The good thing about machine spindles is that you can order them to your specifications. Of course, if you want your custom machine spindles to work well for your machining purposes, you will need to provide plenty of information when placing your order. Some of the information that you will want to provide when buying custom machine spindles is listed here:

Direct Motorized vs. Belt-Driven

First, you should decide how you would like for your custom machine spindles to be powered. Direct motorized machine spindles are a popular choice. However, belt-driven machine spindles are a simpler and more affordable option and may be worth some consideration as well.

Anticipated Use

Custom machine spindles can be used for many different purposes. They may be used for CNC, grinding, milling and more. If you can provide a little more information about what you are going to be using your custom machine spindles for, the machine shop that is making your spindles can provide suggestions and help you make sure that your custom machine spindles will work for your needs.

Desired Material

You should be able to choose the material that you want your custom machine spindle to be made from. For example, you can choose from stainless steel, steel alloys, carbon steel and more. Carefully weigh out the cost of the material, the durability and the specific things that the material can be used for. Make sure that you choose a material that is durable and that will work well for your purposes, depending on what you're going to use your custom machine spindles for, and what types of materials you will be working with when you put your custom machine spindles to use. If you have questions about which materials might be best for your needs, ask someone from the machine shop that will be making your custom machine spindles.

Necessary Sizing

One of the best parts of buying custom machine spindles is the fact that you can choose the sizing. If you are going to be working with smaller materials and parts, you will probably want to choose a smaller custom machine spindle. If you're going to be working with bigger items, then you will obviously need a larger custom machine spindle. You can provide precise measurements to get the machine spindle that is going to be right for you.

If you are going to order custom machine spindles, you need to provide the right information. The information above should all be provided when you place your order, and you may be asked additional questions, too. Make sure you answer these questions so that you will be happy with the custom machine spindles that are made for you and your company. Contact a company like HPT Spindles & Drives Inc. to learn more. 
